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Product Description:

“Lothian” is an original, unique, one-of-a-kind prismatic pen drawing on linen, hand-signed by the artist, actor and humanitarian, Red Skelton. The artwork measures approximately 23” x 16” and is framed to an approximate measurement of 33” x 27”. It is beautifully framed. “Lothian” was created in the late 1980’s upon the occasion of the Anniversary between Big Red and Little Red. They called each other by those affectionate names because Lothian and Red both enjoyed red hair. This portrait of Mrs. Skelton featured her wearing a yellow hat which was one of her favorites. Red painte4d Lothian with a flower and some greeneries. Of course, she was painted with her naturally occurring red hair. This is a unique and stunning likeness of Mrs. Skelton and is to be treasured.


Seller: Cindy Crenshaw
Asking Price: $35,000.00
Condition: Excellent
Certificate of Authenticity: Yes
Call: (425) 308-5635

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