Red's Pledge of Allegiance

Red\'s Pledge of Allegiance

Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance “The Pledge of Allegiance” is a moving and emotional tribute to the United States read twice into the Congressional Record, and bears the signature of the author, Red Skelton. The Pledge of Allegiance was first read on national television in 1969 on the Red Skelton Hour and subsequently performed on stage, screen and television by patriotic individuals wishing to tell the real story behind the pledge. The Pledge was twice read into the Congressional Record. A real honor. The Pledge of Allegiance measures approximately 18” x 12” and is beautifully framed. Red’s heartfelt sentiments, passionately expressed in his explanation of the great significance and nobility of every word in The Pledge of Allegiance, were read twice into the Congressional Record, and received forty-two awards. Red Skelton’s profound message about love of God and country is as important to every American today as it was on the day he wrote it. It is time for each of us to revisit Red’s message, and to share it with a whole new generation of young Americans who are seeking leadership and guidance.

Owner: Dave or Alice Hinds
Asking Price: $875.00
Certificate of Authenticity: Yes
Phone: (925) 628-8354

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