Fine Art Description:
This collection consists of 28 porcelain plates, 4 porcelain plaques and 3 limited-edition lithographs.
The works of art included in this collection are:
70 Years Young (Porcelain Plate)
Anyone for Tennis (Porcelain Plate)
Bronco Freddie (Porcelain Plate)
Captain Freddie (Porcelain Plate)
Freddie in the Bathtub (Porcelain Plate)
Freddie on the Green (Porcelain Plate) 2 copies
Freddie the Freeloader (Porcelain Plate)
Freddie's Gift of Life (Porcelain Plate)
Freddie's Shack (Porcelain Plate)
Gertrude and Heathcliffe (Porcelain Plate)
Happy (Porcelain Plate) 2 copies
Hooked on Freddie (Porcelain Plate)
Ironing the Waves (Porcelain Plate)
Let Freedom Ring (Porcelain Plate)
Love that Freddie (Porcelain Plate) 2 copies
Independence Day (Porcelain Plate)
The Cliffhanger (Porcelain Plate) 2 copies
Sir Freddie (Porcelain Plate)
The Pledge (Porcelain Plate) 2 copies
Freddie the Torchbearer (Porcelain Plate)
W.C. Fields (Porcelain Plate) 2 copies
The All American (Porcelain Plate)
The All American (Porcelain Plaque)
Another Day (Porcelain Plaque)
Independence Day(Porcelain Plaque)
Red and Freddie Both Turn 80 (Porcelain Plaque)
Crazy Quilt Clown (Lithograph)
Freddie's Birthday (Lithograph)
I Love You (Lithograph)
Ms. Patricia Palmer
Certificates of Authenticity: Yes
Please email for entire collection pricing